Archive for September, 2009


fly to the skies

September 30, 2009


Taken from the Singapore Flyer. Thanks to JYZ for the birthday treat!

There are so many things that I want to do this holiday. I hope I have enough time, and hopefully enough time to gaze into the undefined distance and have some time of my own out of all these.

The awesomest company, the awesomest birthday, the awesomest phone call ever. I hope it really materializes, then it can be the best ever birthday present. Then I can really fly to the skies. πŸ˜€

Meeting up with MJK at 5.30pm tmr, a little late. Heh, why do we always like to hang out late! Oh well, I don’t mind because I haven’t been seeing them for half a year. Finally getting to! I hope I remember their souvenoirs. πŸ˜€


Meet the Dumplingz.

September 29, 2009


Say Hi to our regular dumpling store waitresses! πŸ˜€

Finally back from Harbin, China, but it still kinda feels like I’m still there. Can’t really change out of the slack and chill lifestyle over there. What do I mean?

Monday to Friday: Wake up at 8am, lesson at 8.10am, still can get there in time. 3.10pm lesson end, go back hostel, sleep/watch show until 7pm, dinner at Jiaoziyuan, 9pm, go back, bathe, watch show/chill. Then, sleep.


Miss Harbin loads, the company, the weather, the people, the lifestyle, the place. So glad I went for the trip, so sad that Singapore is a baking oven.

Oh well, I want to go back there. Heh. Huiching wants to go back for more soft toys, I suggested she can go with an empty luggage, ship whatever she can back, and put 20kg worth of soft toys in the luggage. She says its a good idea. HAHA.

Oh man, I miss Harbin, and DMAT. Whee, good thing JAYSZ are meeting up tmr! πŸ˜€ Can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait! 13 hours till I see them again, which probably 10 hours would mean sleep. Heh.Β DMAT picnic this thursday! πŸ˜€ So means will see the rest of the people that I haven’t been seeing for 1 month. WHEEEEE!

Oh yes, I’m 18 now. πŸ˜€