Archive for April, 2009


I’m deciding whether this should be made public.

April 8, 2009


jayskz ❀

It started out amazingly random. I should say, it started out due to this.


XQRJ, yes. Something that actually bothered us for quite a while, when it hinders with our schoolwork and daily life. But yes, we’ve learnt and grew from it, we’ve become a better person after this, nobody can deny this. πŸ˜€ At least I did learn something from it, which is that this is my first try at writing duet lyrics. And probably Amelia and Jonadab didn’t expect themselves to land in singing chinese songs one day! JieJu, is our song title, but its only the beginning of everything else, and our life.

I’d like to track back, when it first started. It was an amazing day, how it actually happens and how it ended up like this. Amelia said she was never good with dates, but I am! Hahahaha. Its an amazing day to remember, February 11 2009. Its junjie gor’s 20th birthday too!

It was after JieJu’s jamming, and Amelia invited me to pool with Jonathan and Zaki. Why not, I thought, its not like I would be doing anything about acoustical science yet, anyway, and so I went. I can’t play pool, so I watched them. It was fun, still, because they are hilarious. Made jokes like no tomorrow, and laughed the crap out of me.

After pool we went to KFC; they were hungry. I remember I ordered a large lemonade with whatever I have left and talked as they ate. A lot of topics were involved, including personal and casual stuff. It feels so, right. It was the most random of a combination I can ever imagine, although it was a bit of deja vu because I’ve dreamt of it before. The chat was so engaging that we didn’t want it to end.

And so we proceeded to meet Peixiu before heading for Raffles City to chill further. I couldn’t care less that I still have two tests the next day, Ear Training and Keyboard Skills’s final tests. I didn’t feel anything like this, its such a comfortable combination, weird yet soothing, and honest. We spoke from the bottom of our hearts, and fully trusted each other with our words.

Peixiu left somewhere halfway at 8-ish, and we continued. “Its the 4 of us again.” It was zaki who said it, and this is a very special sentence to me. We were referred as a whole, not an individual. How each of us were put together to become “us”. “We must stay like this, okay! We must ah.” This came from Jonathan, and it feels right. This promise, was right. We are going to stay like this, yes.

It progressed, a lot of things changed and a lot of things stayed since then. It feels like, a lot has changed, yet everything stays the same. I’m thankful, how it became like this. I was telling mum on the car when I was on the way to meet them today, about how amazing it is. I know I’ve been harping on this amazing matter since forever, but yes, its darn amazing to meet such a group of people, that I really really really can hand over my heart and just say everything freely.

People used to comment on how easily I trusted people. Basically I think that trust is the base of human relationship, and there is an absolute need for trust to build a strong foundation, so I hand my trust to everybody I meet, believing that they will not betray this trust that I have in them. Prolly, you could say that this is faith. Faith in myself that I did not trust the wrong person, faith in my own judgement of character. And i can proudly say, neither has failed me in any way.

I should say that I am a very lucky person. Very very lucky. I have parents that love me, I know they do; I have fabulous classmates since young, and that includes 1 and 2Fidelity, although it wasn’t too enjoyable; I haven’t come across any major mental or physical man-made or natural disaster, living in Singapore and the people around me are just as nice as anything. I don’t hesistate to express my thanks and love for all these people, because I know that they love me too.

Its like a novel; I am referring to my life. Its like an extremely exciting novel or drama serial, that one cannot put down. Sometimes I think why is my life so eventful and exciting, scattered with interesting little details that jump back into sight at the slightest tinge of reminisce. I am blessed with an excellent memory for extremely unimportant things, but they serve to be of good use because it keeps me entertained when I’m bored. haha.

Everything up till now is so perfect. I’ve gone through all that to come to what I am today, to cherish whatever I have and be very thankful about it. All the little events that i thought i would have forgotten; how much i have studied during PSLE, Streaming and O levels. If I did go to Dunman High after PSLE, or chosen the Chinese Bilingual Programme in Dunman in Sec 2, or more recently, choose to put Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Chinese Studies in front of Singapore Polytechnic’s Music and Audio Technology, where would I be? would I be as happy as I am now? I’m loving life, no doubt about it. But would anything be better? Would I be happier? I would never know, because I chose this path that I am taking now. But nope, no regrets at all. Not a single tinge of it.

I have done enough facebook notes that asks, “What is the one thing that you want to change in your life if you could?” and the answer is always the same.

β€œThere’s nothing I would change, because its everything that happened that made who I am and what I have today.”

I’m lazy to retype, so I’d just take the sentence from the comment that I left in Jonathan’s blog. This guy’s blog has words that make me think a lot. Rather than my LiveJournal blog, its so full of daily life crap. But I’m blogging all that to keep track of life myself, and reading archives is a very big part of entertainment for me. πŸ˜€

Reminisce, I call it.


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April 3, 2009

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